Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My First Post

Since today (27 June 2007, Thurday) is my first time on creating a blog, i shall begin tomorrow.
Let me familiarise with this blogpage first!
Thank you for supporting me!!

OK OK... now i think of my lecturer ysday....
My Biz Law lect told us a story of Custom Law....
He said "whatever god has given you is enough. the rest that you have should be shared with others".....
I think this is quite true...
Therefore in the future if i have the ability to share something, provided if it's not harming me, i shall....

I tried many times to edit this blog and finally it does!

Just to introduce to you my kim jeong hoon's english homepage:

I began to have interest in blog since i saw the drama, herat of greed where seung joi sum told all her feelings through blogpage.

Maybe I will do like her.... instead of facing you and tell you.... it's better for me to write it down....

Sorry but I am a boring person... Maybe the future blog that i will create will be quite boring....