Friday, October 12, 2007

Test on Myself

You Scored an B

You got 8/10 questions correct.

Okay, so your grammar isn't perfect, but it's at least passable.
You probably know English and its rules well. You just are careless about applying them.
Proofread your writing a little more carefully. Your mistakes aren't tragic, and they're easy to fix.
Give grammar a little more effort, and you'll keep your friends from shaking their heads over your blunders.

You Are 63% Real

You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself.
Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great...
But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults.
As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real.

You Are 20% Emo

You're the furthest thing from emo. Sensitivity is not something you exactly cultivate... and you can't imagine weeping over song lyrics.

You Are 68% Good

You are a good person. You do the best you can to be ethical, fair, and moral.
And as you know, being a good person means making hard decisions... and following them through.
If you're confronted with an ethical dilemma, you will usually do the right thing.
Of course you do slip up. No one's perfect. But you do your best to correct your missteps.

You are also probably: incredibly honest, especially with yourself

Right now you are on track to being: A respected leader

To be a better person: Be kind to someone who is not very kind to you

You Are 63% Independent

You've cultivated your own indepedent interests and personal style.
But you're open minded enough to also embrace anything trendy that strikes you.

You're Confident...Sometimes

You can seem confident when the occasion calls for it
But inside you may be experiencing a bit of self doubt
A little more inner confidence could take you far...
And convince others that you're as confident as you try to seem

You Don't Need a Man ... or Want One!

Generally, you're very happy being a single woman.
And anyone who has a problem with that... well, that's there problem.
Not that you wouldn't share your life with the almost perfect guy.
You simply won't settle though. Your life is too good to share with some substandard man!

Your Scent is Mango

Sultry, sweet, and mellow
You enjoy every moment of life!

You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom

Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.
It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.
Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.

Your Ideal Hairstyle:

Layered Bob

You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age

You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.
You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years.

You Have Good Manners 79% of the Time

Your manners are quite excellent. You are well versed in etiquette.
Of course you have the occasional slip up, but you even apologize with grace.

You Are an Okay Student

You know how to get by school, but your heart isn't always in it.
Motivation is a problem for you. Maybe you need to study something more exciting!

Your Worry Factor is 63%

The amount you worry is definitely borderline unhealthy.
Even when things are going well, you find yourself fixating on the negatives.
Try to remember the times you've been able to let your worries go.
If you can do that again, you'll be much happier!


Anonymous said...

That's a truckload of tests you have done, ka-min s! Ok, I've exaggerated quite a bit here. Are you that bored on Friday?! hmmm, I don't think I was online then, wait a minute, weren't you supposed to be in your hometown? Anyway, if I'm doing the tests, I'd tell you the results in our weekly email *sobs* from daily becoming weekly, no worries about it, ka-min s, just some silly grumblings on my part, wouldn't want to add on your percentages of being a worrier, guess I'd have a higher score than you in this area |o|

K.M.-가민-家敏~ said...

Worrier? No la sis. I’m okay in it.
No, I am not bored, I was waiting to go to Klang, due to some delays.
enjoyed the tests ?? :)